Floral Sculptures

In the Gardens of the
Oakland Museum of California

October 13th & 14th, 2007

“I sincerely hope that you will enjoy our Flower Show and return home with
a deeper knowledge of Ikebana and wonderful memories that will enrich your lives.

I hope that Ikebana, through the efforts of a school such as Sogetsu will continue to grow in popularity and promote further cross-cultural understanding through the beauty of flowers.

It is my firm belief that flowers always bring peace, for the mere act of looking at flowers makes it impossible to harbor vicious or violent thoughts and, if anything, causes a sense of calm to descend upon one's soul. Perhaps this is something that the world needs to remember today”.

Soho Sakai, Chair Person, Soho Study Group

Soho’s Demonstration

Soho Study Group Flower Show 2007 Committee Members

Show Advisor Soho Sakai
Show Chair Chris Mehling
Show Co-chair/OMCA Liaison Sandy Patterson
Show Desinger Scott Job
Secretary Virginia Logan
Treasurer Sally Ketchum
Volunteer Co-ordinator Janette MacKinlay
Educational Section Gail Emmons
Phoebe Kahl
Ruth Sootaru
Staging MaryAnn Forrest
Dennis Marino
Publicity/Advertising Virginia Logan
Laura Chiu
Soho Sakai
Entry Yoshiko Williams
Printing/Signage/Mailing Laura Chiu
Hospitality Olivia Camgros
Ans Vaatstra
Carol Walz
Hostess/Educators(Event) Yoko Ono Light
Art in Action Charlene Yip
Ivy Leung
Security Annette Mungai Sullivan
Carla D’Agostino
Placement Soho Sakai
Scott Job
Mary Ann Forrest
Chris Mehling